Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Toothless Alex

Alex was showing me how loose his tooth is on the
bottom this morning and so I asked him if I could
just touch it and see how loose it was. He told me not
to pull it out though (I pulled his first one out). So I
checked it and told him to just pull it out and he did!?!
Boy was he shocked when it actually came out!

Alex has now lost 4 teeth - all on the bottom. His
front 2 teeth are loose too. Soon Alex will have no
teeth left to pull out. What a shame after all the
dental money we've dished out. Actually it is sad to
see how quickly our children grow up.

Please excuse the marker all over his fingers.

(Pictures got taken after school)

1 comment:

Sylvia said...

are you sure Cailyn didn't help him colour himself lol