Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Apple Sauce Factory

Yesterday we made applesauce with my mom - 46 jars :O)
Savannah had a grumpy moment followed by happy.
We hope to go and make some more in at few weeks.

Savannah lugging the apples to the work station.

Can I have one???

Apples R Us

Grumpy and Happy

The Finished Product


Sylvia said...

She still looks so cute grumpy....

Household of Faith said...

Looks like lots of work, but it pays off when you are able to eat it. I love homemade applesauce, but we go through it too fast and it's hard to keep up. Enjoy!

scott+jenk said...

Nice pics... Savannah is cute for sure. can I have some?

Anonymous said...

Whew, bet you're glad that's over! It's always so much work making it, but definately worth it for the rest of the year. Do you have to share it with your Mom, or is that all for you guys?

Mark, Linda, Alex, Carsten & Savannah said...

I must say it is a lot of work but a lot of fun too since I don't get to see my mom regularly. We plan on making around the same amount in a few weeks - we split the batch in half. My goal is to have about 1 a week for the year.

My neices and nephew are having an apple fundraiser for the christian school there so it is perfect time of the year to do it. $5 for 10 lb bag - varieties available are Gala, IDA red, Fuji, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Empire, Mutsu(Crispin) and MacIntosh........Let me know if you are interested

Scott you'll have to come visit for some - maybe help us make some more ;o)

Mel said...

Wow! Do all the bloggers get a jar!? Not nice to post pics like that and not share!