Saturday, January 27, 2007

Our Big Sleepover Party :O)

Mark was gone last week to North Carolina for business so we had to keep extra busy so we didn't miss him too much. We had a great week for the most part. Our highlight was our sleepover at Jackson, Beau and Tucker's house (their parents were away too). We had a big party with 6 little kids and 2 big kids (Kim and I). Here is Jackson's reaction when we came in the door.

I think one of the most fun parts was playing
in the hay loft. My city slicker kids are starting
to become a bit more at home with it all.

Beau,Carsten, Jackson, Alex, Savannah and Tucker

Here are the kids getting a closer look at the horses.
Boy Aunt Melissa would be jealous ;o)

Bath time - We got the kids clean as a whistle and all
ready for bed in good time to watch Charlotte's Web.

And our sleeping lil angels
Carsten and Tucker

Alex and Beau

Jackson and Savannah

Jackson and Alex went off to school in the morning
but the fun just kept coming. We hung around the
house for a bit, playing hide and seek, colouring
and eating Nana's chocolate cake. Then off we went
to do some errands, lunch at Zellers and the most
fun - swimming with 5 little ones. We got to
babysit Phoebe for the day :O)

Carsten, Beau, Tucker, Savannah and Phoebe

The kids having a "car wash" after swimming

We can't wait to do it all again sometime!

Please excuse any mistakes. It took me over an hour

to get the pictures and stuff where I wanted it.


Sylvia said...

That looks like it was a lot of fun. The bath picture looks really cool how the water is!

Anonymous said...

That looks like so much fun! You and Kim always do really fun things with all the kids. Maybe I'll take my kids out more often when they're a bit older and it doesn't seem like so much work just to get out the door!

Mark, Linda, Alex, Carsten & Savannah said...

We had a great time and I must say it helps pass the time when Mark is away. Between the two "adults" we had 6-7 kids (Phoebe was babysat).

Jannyne it doesn't necessarily get any easier ;o) Swimming was a tonne of fun and we had an almost 1 year old, almost 2 year old, 2 4 year olds and a 5 year old. 5 kids under 5 :O) It went surprisingly well.