Monday, January 15, 2007

NO School Today!?!?!?

First we got the call that the bus wasn't running and then came the call that school was cancelled. We did some errands and grocery shopping this morning. After that we went swimming at the YMCA and the kids had a blast!!! I have to admit I enjoyed it as well.

After warning everyone all day today to watch out because it is slippery. I fell on my front steps when I was leaving to go get diapers. Needless to say with some help getting inside...I have spent the night icing my ankle and didn't get the diapers :O(

All in all it was a good day...hope I can walk tomorrow.


Sylvia said...

That sucks...hope your ankle feels better. Going to make it to coffee break?? Cailyn I have been ignoring, but is still awake (11pm) and wet the bed, so we had to strip it....I think I need to buy the next size in diapers for her at night.

Taunya said...

how's the ankle today? I fell bringing groceries in last fri. and got a nice bruise on my ankle too. I'm sure you're kids are teasing you now (after cautioning them all day)hope your walking today!

Taunya said...

Is that an H&M shirt Savannah's wearing in the tree picture? I finally checked out the new wing in white oaks today and i think I saw that adorable shirt there?

Mark, Linda, Alex, Carsten & Savannah said...

I made it to coffee break and continued to ice the ankle today. Hopefully the swelling stays minimal and the bruise doesn't get any worse. Ouch - hope you are alright Taunya. It really sucks when it happens.

And yup that is an H&M shirt. I love the shirt and there prices are generally pretty reasonable. What sis you think of the store?

Mel said...

Swimming on an ice day. How ironic and fun! Hope your pride-I mean your ankle is better soon. :O)

Taunya said...

I didn't buy anything at H&M - it's kinda like mexx for kids, euro I mean. I loved some of it, but didn't care for other stuff -some stuff just had way too much detail and stuff added to it. I'll definately shop there again though.

glad your ankle's ok to walk on! take it easy.

Mark, Linda, Alex, Carsten & Savannah said...

I agree about H&M - I either love the stuff or hate it. But I am really picky or at elast I am told I am with my kids clothes ;o)