Thursday, January 11, 2007

Our Trip to the Children's Museum

We have had a crazy busy week but we took timeout today to go to the Children's Museum with some friends. We had a great time with the Dinosaurs and the caves, on an arctic adventure, in the jellyfish junction, being big people in a little world, and on a trip to outerspace and back in time. Wow the kids sure were whooped when we were done but didn't want to leave. The kids were sleeping minutes after we got home and woken for supper by the smoke alarm ;o)

Jelly Fish Junction
Our new friend Phoebe
Love this picture of Tucker
Savannah and Tucker stuck in space
Cartsten pretending to be a polar bear - Polar
The boys watching their pennies swirl around
Dinosaurs attacking
An Arctic Adventure
Carsten, Savannah, Phoebe, Beau and Tucker


Household of Faith said...

Looks like the kids had lots of fun. It might be a nice place to take Seth sometime. We are always looking for ideas of where we can go as a family, so maybe we'll give it a try sometime. I know it's in London, but where abouts and how much does it cost?

Mark, Linda, Alex, Carsten & Savannah said...

It costs $5 per person (2 and under is free). A family membership ranges from $50-$100. We have the $70 package giving you access to a bunch of things as well as other science centers in ontario. We hope to do Toronto before ours is up. Here's a link to their site

Household of Faith said...

Thanks so much, Linda. I"ll check out the site.

Taunya said...

looks like a blast!