Thursday, January 11, 2007

Our Birthday Party

The kids wanted to have a birthday party for mom. So we ordered a cake - a carebear cake - and had a little party with them. Alex was even a magician for the party! Carsten Watched him in disbelief. Grandma came down to visit too. January 4, 2007

Savannah talking to her carebearAlex doing balloon tricks
Carsten amazed!
Cuddle time with Grandma


Sylvia said...

That's cute that they wanted a party for you.

Sylvia said...

Forgot to ask....did they sing happy b-day and do "are you 1...." and then of course be all shocked at how far they had to count? Jonathan insisted on singing that part for my b-day one year (he was about your boy's age) and was all wide eyed at how old I was...he didn't want to sing that part for Grandma after.

Mark, Linda, Alex, Carsten & Savannah said...

Nope no singing how old I am but they do know.