Saturday, June 30, 2007

Where to Start and How Many Pictures Can you Load up???

After graduation last week...we headed to our hometown for a surprise party for my mom's 60th birthday. Wow was she shocked...calling us liars (we said we were coming down Saturday). It was a great time and we want to thank Uncle Dave and Aunt Marlene coming from the States for this special time. It was also a time to celebrate my dad's birthday which was Saturday. Happy Birthday Mom and Dad!!

You Lied!!!
The kittens that led her to the back yard
Carsten and Uncle Brian

Aunt Melissa and Savannah

Aunt Marlene and Mom

Grandpa and Carsten

Aunt Anne and Jared

After a sleepover and Aunt Jenny and Uncle Brian's we got up and had some more excitement. We got to go to Grandpa's work and see what he has been up to. The kids had a tonne of fun going around an old nursing home and collecting door signs and looking at the things left behind. We are hoping to get a piano from there and the boys and I are super exicted by that. I must admit I might tire of the pounding on the keys soon enough though. We also scoooped up a fire bell and are hoping to get a real fire hose and alarm too. The boys think Grandpa has a cool job!!

Carsten driving the payloader

Aunt Jenny, Carsten and Alex scooped up

Grandpa giving Alex a mop and bucket ride

Grandpa giving all the grandkids a ride

Tuesday...a promised trip to the Splash Pad was all we needed to beat the heat for a bit. Savannah did not enjoy the splash pad too much until the end when I went through it with her a bunch of times. Needless I was pretty wet but I think she may be over her "fear". Funny thing is...she is the one I can dump a bucket of water over her head in the bathtub but my boys freak if they get water in their eyes?!?!?
Carsten lurching away from the water
Ooooh that's cold
Come and get me!!!
It can't get me!!!
Carsten and Alex getting drenched
When told to just stand there...Alex just stood there
Savannah "drinking" the water. Ewwww!
Hop! Hop! Hop!FINALLY loving it!!!

Soccer night again! Twice a week is sometimes a bit much but the boys love playing. Thankfully we have a good coach this year and the boys are learning the rules. Alex is a natural halfback as he loves to get the ball up but is more than willing to come back and help out the defense. Carsten was made to be a forward or goalie as he really gets those position. Crazily my boys fight over who can be goalie?!?!? I just don't get it. Well that is until Carsten finally got to play net and he kept climbing the pole and hanging from the top of the cross bar!! I added pictures of my goalies from preivous games.

Alex in action
Carsten going for a goal
Carsten in action
Yup...they still group up occasionally on the big field
Carsten "bored" on defence
Alex in goal
Carsten on the goal
Park Days and my boys finally got to come along and we had a few new kids. I took a bunch of pictures and just wanted to show everyone how well the kids actually get along. I think next week the soccer ball might come along for the kids wanting to play soccer. They have real nets at the park!!! No chasing after the ball.
Lauren and Tiana
Savannah zipping along
Damien - thanks for coming out Amanda
Alex pushing Lauren and Carsten pushing Beau
Tyler Well I think that is enough for this week. There was a few things we wanted to do but never had a chance. Maybe next week. Cudos to anyone who got this far. Have a great weekend!


~aj~ said...

Look how much fun you guys have! I love it!

All your pictures are so great. I especially love the ones from the water park and Carsten being bored on the soccer field.

Adam would be so envious of the construction equipment. That's one of his big obsessions. :)

Anonymous said...

LOVE all the pictures! Looks like you're off to a great start for the summer holidays. That would be exciting for your kids to get a piano - where would you put it though?! :0) Do you play at all? I love the park pictures - the one of Carsten on the slide is really nice.