Friday, June 22, 2007

School's Out For The Summer..........

Well I know have a kindergarten graduate under my roof. Carsten along with his class had a little graduation ceremony today at lunch. It's hard to believe that next year both boys will be in shcool full time. I am thankful for the school that God had provided us and the wonderful, caring teachers who have been teaching my kids faithfully all year long. I am sure it is not always easy. I have a few pictures and a short video of Carsten right before getting his diploma. I added Riley - she look soooo cute. Hope you don't mind Stacey. Here is the Graduating Class of 2007.

Carsten Riley

And our adventures in berry pickin'

Let's just say that Savannah did more pickin' and keepin' than Carsten did. Savannah loves strawberry pickin' but hates eating strawberries. Carsten on the other hand loved to pick the strawberries but few ended up in the basket. We had fun and got 12 greenbaskets (2 flats).

I found one!!
I see strawberry...I can get it!
Dutifully putting them in the baskets
Savannah offering the fruit of her labour
Probably about the number that Carsten got in the basket ;o)


Household of Faith said...

Nice video. Quite the accomplishment to graduate from Kindergarten! Congrats to Carsten and Riley! The berry picking pictures look fun. I think kids are more helpful the older they get, even if they eat more than they pick!

Anonymous said...

Fun pictures - I cheated and bought my strawberries at a stand by the road!
The kindergarten graduation looks so cute - can't wait for that next year. It'll be weird for you to have both boys in school full-time next year - in a way I look forward to that stage, but it also makes me a bit sad too. Guess they have to grow up sometime though, eh?
I was going to post something on my blog about Josh being done school for the year, but I'm waiting for Julie to e-mail me a picture she took of Josh with his teacher.

~aj~ said...

Congartulations to your kindergarten graduate!

The berry picking adventure looks like fun! I'm sure I'd eat more than I'd pick. :)