Monday, April 9, 2007

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells! Um...I Mean Our Easter Egg Hunt

I heard the kids listening to Christmas music and dancing around the house this morning. This is what I saw when I came down the stairs

Last year about this time...I was preparing to leave for Holland. My kids and Kim had their first easter egg hunt ever when we were gone (both the kids and Kim's). I am not sure who had more fun. So today we...being the easter treats on sale and used last year's plastic eggs and we had an easter egg hunt today. The kids had a blast!!!


VanDyks said...

That video is hilarious! Are you SURE that wasn't taped 4 months ago? ;) I meant to tell you the other day, those playground videos were awesome, too. My boys would probably get homesick going that fast, too. ;) How long did it take the kids to find all the eggs?

John Koopman said...

Hi Linda,

Hey I got a blog too. Check out


Mark, Linda, Alex, Carsten & Savannah said...

The kids searched for the cd and I purposefully didn't help (we had enough at christmas of it)

As for the eggs...not too long. The kids were apparently much more thoughtful than last year. they didn't want to dump their toy boxes and stuff because they didn't want to clean up - I found that amusing that they were actually thinking.