Friday, April 27, 2007

Adventures to Help Pass the "Turn off the Screen Week"

You just don't know how badly we wanted to turn the tv on when we got home. Too late for a nap...tired and whiny children...stuck inside due to the weather, with nothing better to do than annoy their siblings. But we persevere with only a few more hours to go. We even turned the tv off at Adventures on Wonderland. We had a great time as we spent most of the day playing. I spent a lot of time playing and taking pictures, but hopefully next time I will visit more. ;o)

We had a great group of friends together...Laura and Emily; Sylvia, Cailyn and Jared; Laura, Jordan and Hailey; Kim, Beau and Tucker; Sue, Erin and Caleb, and us.

Our youngest playmate, Hailey

Hailey's sister, Jordan

Carsten, feeling much better

Beau and Carsten

Emily, Alex, Beau, and Carsten

Twins, Beau and Tucker

Our little guy, Jared

Tucker - "My hair is all soggy"

Caleb practicing for ball - men's team need any help?

Alex wall climbing



Can we take these home?

"Our Twins"

Cailyn's Ball of a Time

Sylvia - look how much they love each other

Jared - Licensed to Drive

Bombs Away


Sylvia said...

I let Cailyn pick out the pictures...then she was in need of a diaper change.

Cailyn is picking her nose...hey she picked it out lol

I didn't delete any - but there are a lot of "garbage" shots

I didn't have pics of everyone...since you continued to take pictures longer than me

PS Gerald really likes the pic you posted of me - he's threatening to crop it.

Sylvia said...

ps by picked it out - I meant the picture...not the other stuff lol

VanDyks said...

HAHAHAHA! Sylvia your last comment is cracking me up! Those pictures are awesome, it looks like the kids had a blast! So who's having a TV marathon tomorrow? ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm so sad that I couldn't come today - it looks like you had lots of fun. Next time you go, please let me know, ok?
We ended up quitting the no-tv thing a day early - it just wasn't worth it to have sick kids (flu) sitting on the couch all day feeling sorry for themselves - so in went the movies. At least I got to get some work done today - mind you, it was all laundry... Josh got sick on two different sets of sheets last night, including the pillows and duvets... so I did about 8 loads of laundry today (including my regular Friday laundry).

Sarah by the Sea said...

linda, i can tell you're a scrapbooker, because all of your pictures have greattt captions :P its so fun to put captions on pictures eh?

anyway, about the photo of caleb...yes the mens' team alllways needs help!! :)

Mark, Linda, Alex, Carsten & Savannah said... tv marathon today. I am going to watch the hockey game with them though.

Jannyne...was it just Josh who ended up sick. Carsten had a bad headache and got sick when we woke up and I almost stayed home with him. He perked up about 30 minutes before we left and he was fine then. (Unfortunately I htink he may eventually be a migraine sufferer or already is) I think the lack of tv went our heads ;o) My kids are up and I told them they are not allowed to watch tv before 7:00 am. Easier to reinforce the rules now ;o) We will definitely let you know when we go again. It has been sooo long and the kids had a blast - don't think we've ever stayed that long.

Sarah...yup scrapbooker through and through. I spent most of my time "playing" with the kids to get good shots ;o)

Laura said...

I don't think the day really tuckered Jordan out either. She was awake at 5:00 a.m. when I was feeding Hailey! Thankfully she went back to sleep though!

Can I bring you a CD at some point and get you to make me a copy of the pictures? I would really appreciate it.

I told my friend in the States about this place and she is going to make a trip down with her husband and her daughter (who is the same age as Jordan) so that we can go together!

I tried to get Jordan to say Savannah and she was saying "nanana". It was really cute. I think the girls had a blast together! We will definitely have to do it again!

Mark, Linda, Alex, Carsten & Savannah said...

Laura, I have met some people from Savannah's birthboard (BabyCenter)there as well a few times.

Savannah calls her self NANA - it is cute that Jordan can say it too Savannah kept calling her Jordan (but she sounded almost french, barely saying the n

Anonymous said...

looks like you all had a blast. we went away for our anniversary and mel watched our kids otherwise Mel and I would have joined you - although looks like you had a pretty good crowd there. Fun FUn!

~aj~ said...

You're not kidding...that does look like my post. How funny!

Glad to find your blog and now I get to see more pics of your kiddos. I've always thought they are SOOOO cute!!!