Monday, May 7, 2007

Few Random Pictures from Last Week

We had a busy week. The boys had their school Spring Program. They did an awesome job singing, reciting poems, and playing their boom whackers. We enjoyed the program immesely. I was even privielged to hear a lot of it twice (on Grandparents Day/Grocery Day)

This past week it seems all the kids want to do is ride their bikes and play outside. I know I should encourage it but sometimes it gets a bit much. We have neighbour kids dinging and dinging our doorbell for the boys to come out and play. I always feel like I have to be out there watching them, even though we are on a dead end street. After putting up the fence last summer...they have no desire to play in the fenced in area. Aaahhhhhh! But thanks be to God for wonderful weather and here are some shots of the kids enjoying the beautiful weather.

Carsten & Thomas all decked out for the program

Savannah on her brand new trike
Alex biking with a neigbourhood friend
Carsten "Look mom! No training wheels!!!"Alex and Savannah enjoying their new table.
Summer Lunch of BBQ Hamburgers and Corn on the cob

I got Savannah a trike and she even has it figured out already.


Kristin said...

Can't believe Savannah can rock the trike like that. Easton SO does not have the hang of it. But he can't reach the pedals so good yet, either. He's got super short legs.

Kristin from Feb BBC

Sylvia said...

Too cute. I'm still waiting for Gerald to assemble Cailyn's trike (Cor got her a Dora one for her b-day last year). Have to find her a helmet yet too though.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the kids are enjoying the weather! Enjoy it before it gets too hot. Where did you get that tricycle for Savannah? I have one that Lauren can't reach the pedals.

Mark, Linda, Alex, Carsten & Savannah said...

I got the trike at Walmart and you don't even need to put it comes ready to ride. I took a day or 2 for her to get the hang of it. But now she is good with occasionaly screeches if she gets stuck somewhere ;o)

Marlene said...

Hey Linda,

Great to hear from you. In response to...'I think Julianna looks a lot like you.' You and the rest of the world! I hear it all the time. My mom was just down and said Julianna was like having me little again.
(Julianna's shirt is a garage sale special)

Enjoy looking at your blog!

scott+jenk said...

hey you have cute kids.... they must be Koopman's :D

Laura said...

Looks like the kids are having lots of fun enjoying the outdoors! I would be like you though, outside watching them making sure everything is okay! I can understand the frustration though! I love the picture and the video of Savannah on her trike! Look at her go! She really seems to enjoy it too! Good for her!

Jessica said...

That video is great. I love her crocks. Ranen has such wide feet, they are the great (and cheapest) shoes.

Matt and Julianna said...

That's so cute of Savannah, makes me want to go out and get Aaralyn one too!